Michele D. Ren


PhD American Studies . Washington State University,  May 2000

Areas of Specialization: 19th & 20th Century American Literature & Culture, Critical Theory

Dissertation: Imperial Designs: The Victorian Home & the Revision of Empire in American Culture

Dissertation Director: Dr. Shawn M. Smith


MS English.  Radford University, May 1995

Area of Specialization: 19th & 20th Century British & American Literatures, Critical Theory


BA English/Spanish Minor.  Radford University, May 1992 


Professional Experience :

Assistant Professor (Adjunct), English/Women’ Studies, Radford University, 2004-present

Educational Specialist/Administrative Assistant, Women's Studies, Radford University, 2007-present

Instructor, English, Virginia Tech,  2004-2005

Assistant Professor, English, Virginia Intermont College, 2002-2004

Assistant Professor (Adjunct), English, Radford University, 2000-2002

Graduate Assistant, English & American Studies, Washington State University, 1996-00

Graduate Work Fellow, English, Radford University, 1993-1996


Courses Taught :

Radford University

Engl 203: Introduction to American Literature

Engl 102: Reading, Writing, and Research

Engl 101 (ESL): Introduction to Expository Writing

Engl 101: Introduction to Expository Writing

Univ 100: Introduction to Higher Education

Wmst 101: Women and the World


Virginia Tech

Engl 1105: Critical Literacy

Engl 1106:  The Writing Project


Virginia Intermont College

Engl 405: Issues in Women's Writing: Women & Globalization

Engl 403: Victorian Literature

Engl 402: The English Romantics

Engl 401: Studies in British Literature: 20th Century British Women Writers

Engl 400: Shakespeare

Engl 302: Chaucer

Engl 210: College Writing

Engl 202: English Literature II

Engl 201: English Literature I

Engl 102: Composition and Literature

Engl 101: Composition


Washington State University

Engl/Wmst 309: Women Writers

Engl/Amst/Wmst/Hist 216: American Culture

Engl 101: Introductory Writing


Other Academic Experience:

Online Writing Lab Tutor, SMARTHINKING.com, 2003-present

Volunteer Editor/Proofreader, Project Gutenberg,  2003

Volunteer Tutor, Radford University Writing Center, 1993-1996, Spring 2001

Instructor - English 309x: Women Writers, Extended Degree Program, 1999-2000

Tutor, General Education 302: Writing Tutorial, Washington State U, Spring 2000

Editorial Collective. dis/content  issues 1.1 - 2.4 Pullman, WA: 1998-2000

Department Portfolio Exchange, Freshman Writing Program, WSU, 1997-1999

Writing Placement Exam Reader, Washington State University, 1998-1999

Exam Grader, General Education 111: World Civilizations, Summer 1998

Tutor, ENG 102: Writing Tutorial, WSU, 1997-1998

Tutor, Writing Lab/On-Line Writing Lab (OWL), WSU, Fall 1997

Staff Writer, The Radford Independent, Radford, VA  1995-1996

Research/Administrative Asst., English Department, Radford Univ., 1993-1996

Editorial Assistant, GA Handbook and ALCA-Lines, Radford University 1993-96



William Walker, The Fugitive Slave Act. Encyclopedia of American Conspiracy Theories.  ABC-Clio, 2004.  

Review.  Jo Keroes, Tales Out Of School: Gender, Longing, and the Teacher in Fiction and Film.  Scope: An On-line Journal of Film 

        Studies. August 2002.

Friedan, Betty, Steinem, Gloria, Walker, Alice.  Encyclopedia of American Studies.  Danbury, CT: Grolier, 2001.  

"The Return of the Native: Hardy's Arabella, Agency and Abjection." Imperial Objects: Essays on Victorian Women's Emigration and the 

        Unauthorized Imperial Experience Ed. Rita Kranidis. New York: Twayne, 1998.

Discussion on Pedagogy. Co-authored with J. Barry, D. R. Greiner, A. Herndon, J. Humphrey, and A. Lacsamana. dis/content 1.3 

        (1998): 7-9.

"Tutoring and Negotiating Within the University." Co-authored with R. Cream. Radford Writes: The Newsletter of Writing Across the 

        Curriculum 2.4 (1995): 2.


Conference  Papers:

J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan and the Politics of Empire.

        The 21st Annual Nineteenth Century Studies Association Conference.  Hollins University, March, 2001.

Between the Waves: Virginia Woolf's Three Guineas and the Feminist Narrative of Progress.

        The 7th Annual Virginia Woolf Conference.   Plymouth State College, June, 1997.

'It Be The House That Has Got Him:' Domestic Ideology and the Myth of Escape in Thoreau's Walden. 

        The 1st Annual Graduate English Conference. Radford University, March 1997.

Who is the New Woman?: Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure.  

        The 1st Annual Student Research Conference on Gender.  Radford University,  March 1996.

'The Tyranny of the Patriarchal State, . . . The Tyranny of the Fascist State': Woolf's Three Guineas and 

    Wertmuller's Seven Beauties.  Co-authored with Dr. Moira P. Baker. 

        The 5th Annual Virginia Woolf Conference.  Otterbein College, June 1995. 

Patriarchy: The Officer of Love in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

        The Sixth National Conference on Undergraduate Research. University of Minnesota, March 1992.


College/University  Service:

Faculty Advisor, Women's Studies Club, Radford University, 2006-present

Women's Studies Program Committee, Radford University, 2004-present

First Year Writing Program Textbook Committee, Virginia Tech, 2004-2005

Library Learning Resources Committee, Virginia Intermont College, 2002-2004

Worrell Honors Committee, Virginia Intermont College, 2002-2004

Academic Advisor, Virginia Intermont College, 2003-2004


Professional Development::

"Postcolonial Theory & the Globalization of Culture."  Jessie Ball duPont Summer Seminar

            Led by Dr. Gaurav Desai, Tulane University. 

            National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, NC.  June 1-20,  2003.